NCAR's MURaM: Porting Radiative MHD Models to GPUs
NCAR’s MURaM: Porting the MPS/University of Chicago Radiative MHD Models to GPUs Using OpenACC
PI: Sunita Chandrasekaran
Student: Eric Wright
Collaborators from NCAR: Thomas Hauser, Cena Miller, Supreeth Suresh, Matthias Rempel
Collaborators from Max Planck Institute of Solar Society: Damien Przybylski
Funding Agency: National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)/UCAR
Duration: 06/01/2018 – 09/30/2023
Project Summary:

Porting MURaM (Max Planck University of Chicago Radiative MHD) to GPUs Using OpenACC, GPU Technology Conference (GTC), Invited speaker, CA, USA, March 2019
Accelerating MURaM on GPUs using OpenACC, NCAR, September 2019
Applying directives to port MURaM code to heterogeneous systems, ASTRONUM, Paris, France, July, 2019