CRPL was busy at the GPU Technical Conference (GTC) 2019 with two talks, two posters, and mentoring a GPU workshop. Present at the conference were Ph.D. students Robert Searles and Eric Wright from CRPL, Alex Bryer, a close collaborator from the University of Delaware department of chemistry, and Dr. Sunita Chandrasekaran.
Starting early on Sunday morning was an OpenACC hosted GPU bootcamp ( Eric Wright was in attendance as a mentor helping a group of 50 participants learn the basics of OpenACC through this day-long event. The bootcamp included three separate lessons teaching the basics of OpenACC, and concluded with a four-hour mini-app coding challenge where the participants competed against each other to achieve the highest performing code. The participants were neck-and-neck during the competition, with the winning teams code running only milliseconds faster than the runnerup.
Monday evening marked the poster social event where both of our posters were presented. Robert Searles presented a poster about his work on the Minisweep Project. Eric Wright and Alex Bryer presented a collaborative poster on their work for the Chemical Shift Prediction Project. We enjoyed the feedback we recieved from conference-goers, and we want to say thanks to everyone who was at GTC 2019 and stopped by to visit our posters.
Wrapping up, both of our talks were given on Tuesday. First off was a presentation in collaboration with the National Center of Atmostpheric Research (NCAR), regarding our work on the MURaM Solar Radation Acceleration Project. This talk was given jointly by Eric Wright, Sunita Chandrasekaran, and Richard Loft (from NCAR). The video from the talk was recorded, for those interested in our work!
Next up, our second talk was later in the afternoon on the same day. This talk was about the same work outlined in our Predicting Chemical Shift Prediction Poster, which started as an undergraduate project in collaboration from Departments of Computer Science and Chemistry at the University of Delaware. This talk was given jointly by Eric Wright, Alex Bryer, and Sunita Chandrasekaran. And again, the video is here too for those interested.
We are thankful to have been given this opportunity to speak at GTC, as well as bringing our posters, seeing friends, and meeting new people. We will see many of you all again at other conferences throughout this year!