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This [Project/work/paper] has used the OpenMP Verification and Validation (OMPVV) test suite for testing, development and deployment of OpenMP. OMPVV is part of the SOLLVE initiative through the Exascale Computing Project (ECP) of the Department of Energy. Development of this project is mantained by Oakridge National Laboratory, the University of Delaware, and other collaborators from the community. More information regarding OMPVV is available at

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Plain text

Thomas Huber, Swaroop Pophale, Nolan Baker, Michael Carr, Nikhil Rao, Jaydon Reap, Kristina Holsapple, Joshua Hoke Davis, Tobias Burnus, Seyong Lee, David E. Bernholdt, Sunita Chandrasekaran, ECP SOLLVE: Validation and Verification Testsuite Status Update and Compiler Insight for OpenMP. Accepted and to be published with P3HPC @ SC22. pp. 123-135, doi: 10.1109/P3HPC56579.2022.00017.


  author={Huber, Thomas and Pophale, Swaroop and Baker, Nolan and Carr, Michael and Rao, Nikhil and Reap, Jaydon and Holsapple, Kristina and Davis, Joshua Hoke and Burnus, Tobias and Lee, Seyong and Bernholdt, David E. and Chandrasekaran, Sunita},
  booktitle={2022 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Performance, Portability and Productivity in HPC (P3HPC)}, 
  title={ECP SOLLVE: Validation and Verification Testsuite Status Update and Compiler Insight for OpenMP}, 